The World's Greatest Injustice Continues

The lingering effects of the Atlantic slave trade, colonial oppression, colonial heir wealth, the lack of domestic value added production of African raw materials, all contribute to the current crisis in Africa.

Unseasoned governments quick to resort to corruption and other frauds that undermine democracy, who fail to enforce existing law designed to provide adequate worker earnings and to generate a tax base capable of funding modern development, must experience new leadership skills before the issue of poverty can be expected to improve.

Ineffective International Aid 

Billions of dollars pour into the accounts of NGOs in Africa each year, and yet the suffering of the vast majority of Africans continues without relief. The United Nations continues to allow its member nations to exploit the richest land on the planet. The billionaire foundations reserve their investment in Africa to only those projects that promise a profitable return. The global philanthropic community dare not mention words like poverty, corruption, or oppression. The only charitable activity occurring is insignificant efforts to treat the symptoms of the looming underlying problem, helping very few with very little. ACI-International is the only organization in the world tackling the issue of poverty in Africa directly. 

Solutions Based Revolution

The ACI-International organization has formulated solutions that will end the problem of high unemployment in Africa, and that will lift working Africans from the depth of poverty. It is time for a revolution of sorts. The revolution we envision will not require guns or violence. It shall be a technologically driven suite of solutions. 

A Champion For Africa

Michael Kitterman has a long history of developing ground breaking information technology that has improved the lives of millions of Americans. He is now a philanthropist committing his life to fulfill his vow of using those same skills to lift the people of Africa from the depths of poverty, or die trying. He is the lead software engineer of our framework. Michael Kitterman has the the ability, the experience, and the plan.

Continent-wide Unification is Vital

Do you live in an African country? Then your participation is essential. There is strength in numbers. ACI-International requests only that you become an anonymous member of the framework. Your name and information will be kept entirely confidential. Your level of activity is entirely optional. We need your membership to build solidarity that will empower workers, government, and employers. 

Those who choose to become involved will gain access to an advanced technology platform where you participation can range from being a mere observer, to a full leadership role in your community. 

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